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The Shoah Foundation. A Powerful Record of my Father's Experience during the Holocaust
A Daughter's Hesitance to Watch
The Shoah Foundation
Steven Spielberg 1994 made the movie Shindlers' List. Schindler's list was a movie about a factory that helped German Jewish people be safe from gas chambers during the holocaust. While the film was being made, Holocaust survivors visited the set. Some of the visitors told their stories about their survivor experiences.
After hearing some of these stories, Mr. Speliberg created a non-profit organization 'The Shoah Foundation. The Shoah Foundation became an organization that sent documentary crews to Holocaust survivors' homes worldwide to make videos of the survivors telling their stories of their experience and surviving the holocaust. To this date, there are 55,000 plus videos have been made.
Kurt Chambre 1921–2006. My father was born in Germany and lived through the holocaust. He made a video for the Shoah Foundation. I have had a copy since 1997. I had the VHS version of the video. I hesitated to watch it. I think I was not ready to hear the atrocities my father lived through as a teenager.
The Striking Aspect of Watching a Video of a Loved One PastAway