Member-only story
Polyvagal Theory a Psychotherapy for Treating Trauma and Other Anxieties!
Can People Feel Free of Angst? Part II
Treatment Using The Polyvagus Nerve
The polyvagus nerve is the tenth cranial nerve, the longest in the body. It works on the autonomic nervous system. The polyvagus theory aims to help people notice behavior and social skills when exposed to three external situations. These may include feeling safe, anxiety, or intense trauma. To learn more about the polyvagal nerve, refer to a previous article.
The Polyvagus Nerve and the search for safety
Experiencing anxiety, trauma, or panic can be pretty uncomfortable. Theoretically, the polyvagal nerve detects environmental threats in the autonomic nervous system, which can lead to visceral discomfort. However, when the nervous system is in a safe environment, the body effectively regulates itself to promote restoration and growth by slowing the heart rate and inhibiting the fight-flight response. This state of safety is…