David, you have rendered me speechless, which is unbelievable because I talk more than the average person. What a joy to wake up to your post and laugh. One of the funny parts is that you decided not to write shitty without a star l, But then you have no problem writing all this other stuff without needing to disguise it. Also, If I could have another.

kid, I think I would name it Nosferatu. You are a joy My mom passes away last week and i feel so tired i can barely work. Posts like this are invaluable. Thank you so much.

Karen Chambre LCSW, PSY.D ca
Karen Chambre LCSW, PSY.D ca

Written by Karen Chambre LCSW, PSY.D ca

As a psychotherapist, it has been a pleasure to help clients overcome their internal and external challenges over the last 40 years.

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